Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dancing Shoes

Last year my old dance school held a reunion in honor of the director's retirement. At the reunion I reconnected with my friend, Erica, who I danced with for many years. We have kept in touch via Facebook over the last year. She started writing me in June asking if I wanted to take dance classes again this fall. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance again, but I am scared! Having a friend to do it with would be great! I tried to take a ballet class a few years ago, but (a) my body does not do so easily what it did 15 years ago, (b) it's really difficult to find dance clothes in a size 16, and (c) dance classes are crazy expensive! But Erica solved many of those problems for me! She is about my size, so we would have each other to lean on in that respect, and she found a studio (directed my another former teacher of mine) that is only $35/month for unlimited adult classes, including yoga and pilates! Fantastic!

And then Suki became the Million Dollar Kitty... so dance classes are put on hold for yet one more year. But I have been going to the gym pretty regularly, so maybe by next year I will be better prepared for the classes.

In other dancing news, remember how I said I might be doing my every two year pas de deux again with P? I think maybe I was wrong. The ebb and flow has happened pretty quickly this time. However, I  do have plans to go visit him in Glenwood Springs this weekend, and he is actually moving back to Colorado Springs next month, so we shall see what the fall brings!

At any rate, I feel like the universe is telling me to dance, I'm just not sure where to take the floor or who to take as partner.

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